
Variability Pyrgus serratulae Ubaye region in Southeastern France

During the last 2 summer holidays with my family to the Ubaye region in the French Alps, I photographed all Pyrgus -butterflies I came  accross and which had the patience to  sit down for a while. I always tried to photograph both the upper- and the underwings of a specimen (regardless of its phenotypic charachteristics), but as you may know pyrgus -species are hyper-energetic butterflies and I don't very often succeed in this respect within the limited spare time I have.  The butterflies figuring in the photographs below have all been identified - tentatively - as Pyrgus serratulae and include only and all individuals of which I have photographed both the under- and upperwings sufficiently from an ID-point-of-view. If you have any other opinion on the ID of certain individuals, please let me know in the comments. The aim of this page is to show some of the variability in upper- and underwingpatterns of Pyrgus serratulae from the Ubaye region.  Bert-Jan Luijendijk